In the News
As the premier ophthalmology practice in the Four Corners region, Southwest Eye Consultants is making headlines throughout the local and regional media.
Here are some of our recent features:
Learn more about our upcoming Open House event!
Southwest Retina Opens Research Center to Conduct Clinical Trials
Local Eye Clinic Selected for Clinical Trials
Durango Chamber Chat
(Aired on 11/03/2020)
Click HERE to listen to our Chamber Chat interview with Durango Chamber director Jack Llewellyn. Learn more about Southwest Eye Consultants' upcoming expansion projects and new research studies.
Durango TV
The doctors of Southwest Eye Consultants are frequent contributors to the Healthy Living video series on Durango TV.
Healthy Living: Cornea Transplants
If your cornea is injured in an accident or from disease, you may want to consider a transplant to improve your vision. Dr. Reynell Smith explains.
Healthy Living: Don’t Ignore a Red Eye
If you have a recurring red, sore eye, don’t ignore it. It could be a symptom of other illness or infection elsewhere in your body. Dr. Moss Fenberg explains.
Healthy Living: Glaucoma, the Silent Disease
Dr. Moss Fenberg explains the symptoms of glaucoma, why it’s important to get your eyes checked regularly, and what some treatments might be.
Healthy Living: Don’t Ignore Sudden Loss of Sight
Dr. Sara Haug and Dr. Moss Fenberg explain why it’s so important to see an ophthalmologist if you experience sudden vision loss in one eye.
Healthy Living: Advances in Cataract Surgery
Dr. Moss Fenberg explains what happens during cataract surgery and how new technologies are improving the outcomes for patients.
Patient Stories: Sue talks about emergency retinal detachment surgery from Dr. Sara Haug.